Thursday, September 3, 2009

Solar Power For Houses - Slash Your Energy Bills by 80% With This New DIY Technology!

When it comes to providing power for your home, the standard has always been to hook up to the local power grid. But we're now seeing recent advances in solar power that gives homeowners the option to tap into solar power for houses. Imagine harnessing free energy from the sun and drastically cutting your monthly energy bills by 80%! Best of can even build your own DIY solar panels and enjoy the savings right away. To help you do so, let's examine 2 easy tips that will get you on the right track.

Choosing A DIY Instructional Guide

With DIY solar panels growing in demand, there is no lack of instructional packages that give you complete information to create your own home solar panels. I'd encourage you to choose one that is best suited for your knowledge level and your budget. Even at a low cost of $50, you can find a well-designed guide online designed for DIY novices that comes with FULL illustrations and videos. Videos are extremely important in any DIY project and especially useful for visual learners. A good quality package will teach you how to tab your own solar cells...just like the pro's, and how to link up your cells for maximum solar power for houses.

But beware that there are guides out there that are poorly written which actually confuse you more than it helps. A good instructional guide will also provide technical support either though phone call or email - something which many folks I know have come to be thankful for.

Getting It To Work

Once you've chosen your DIY guide, it's time to put on your DIY hat, and with a little elbow grease to go with that. All you need to do is just follow the step-by-step instructions laid out in the guide or manual. Take some time to go through the entire guide first, to get an idea of how this whole thing works. Once you're ready, head down to your local hardware store and get the necessary parts and materials. Most guides will tell you where you can find these on the cheap.

If you're new to this, you typically need just a weekend to get your own solar panel system set up. You can even make this a FUN and educational project for the entire family! Tapping into solar power for houses is your best bet to cut your monthly bills for good. So why not grab hold of this simple DIY technology and start reaping the benefits of solar power for life?

Want to build your own DIY solar panels but don't know where to start?

Fret not! Many people just like you have successfully built these on their own to DRASTICALLY cut their monthly electricity consumption. They are already shaving $1000s off their energy bills every year. If you need STEP-BY-STEP guidance in installing one, I have reviewed the Best Online Guides on DIY Solar Panels for your convenience. These highly recommended guides provide EASY-TO-FOLLOW instructions that will help you save money in no time.

Dave Keller is an Renewable Energy Specialist who takes pride in helping the average consumer save on their energy bills using simple DIY devices... and give power companies a run for their money! For a candid review of the best-selling guides, go to his website at now.

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