Friday, May 30, 2008

How to Protect Your Home or Business From Fires

The NFPA (National Fire Prevention Association) determined that United States fire departments responded to to 1,642,500 residential and commercial fires. This totaled 3,345 civilian casualties and 16,400 injuries with an estimated $11,307,000,000 in property loss. Obviously it is very important to take fire prevention seriously and aggressively. The protection that is available should not be looked over as your life or those who you care most about could be at stake.

Every year the news seems to hold story after story of hundreds to thousands of acres . Some are due to wild fires and many are for other reasons. Houses and businesses after often caught up in these disasters and some can't even be prevented. There are many incidents that can be minimized and many times prevented all together.

Prevention is the first step to protection. Fire retardant sprays and stopping products tend to be the first step in fire proofing your structure. If the structure is not able to burn it is less likely to allow a fire to spread or even start in the first place. These retardants can be very effective, environmentally friendly, non-toxic, and non-hazardous. These work great on drywall, wood, and synthetic fabrics both indoors and outdoors.

Another very common preventive measure is the use of smoke alarms because there is never a fire where there isn't smoke. More than 80 percent of fire casualties are those caught in fires without being alarmed by a smoke alarm. Smoke alarms that use batteries should be changed once to twice a year and tested monthly to ensure they are operating to the best of there ability. Fire extinguishers are also common and useful. These are more often found in commercial areas but should be in everyones house. It is best to have an extinguisher on each floor of your home and check it monthly for leeks. Should an unfortunate situation arise such as a fire, whom ever is present will have better odds at eliminating the flames prior to it becoming uncontrollable.

Finally, all common risks should be taken care of with fire prevention in mind. Anything highly flammable should be place a distance from the building or house. If kept inside it should be cared for as the danger it is. Fluids such as gasoline and propain should be kept at a distance from any possible hazards. Light sources should always been turned off with not required and nothing combustible should be placed near any bulbs. Outlets should not be overloaded or extended over multiple power strips. Fuses should be properly replaced when they are blown as well.

Now that you have become a fire prevention expert please inform your family and friends on these preventive measures. Such simple methods mentioned in this article save lives and could one day save one that is important to you.

Purchase your fire retardant from National Fireproofing. Article written at distributed by Steve Cancel of Secure Link - Michigan Web Marketing.

Home Remodeling Books

Make Your Existing Home A New One By Home Remodeling

Whether you have just purchased a home or you own an older home - does not really matter. The only thing that ultimately matter is that how you keep you home live. Well, you can update your 80's kitchen to a new one and make your living room more attractive by home remodeling ideas.

Exterior Stairs With 2 X 12

Sunday, May 25, 2008

No Money Down - How To Buy Property With Nothing Down

If you have ever watched TV after about 11:30 at night, you've seen people talking about courses on buying real estate with no money down. They show vacation paradises, gorgeous girls, fancy cars, and huge mansions. All of this is promised to you if you buy their course on making a million with nothing! If you want you can spend "only three payments of $99.99" to find out about this exciting area...OR...I'll just tell you for FREE!

One thing I must mention first, however, is that ANY information, combined with NO action, produces NO result. If I came over to your house and showed you everything in person and answered all of your questions, and then you did was a waste of time. Yours and mine!! On the other hand, if you combine information with hard work, persistence and, most of all, GUTS, you will be successful, whether you buy the courses, read the books for free at the library, or get the information from me, right here!

I mentioned GUTS because there's a price to be paid for everything. If you had a million dollars, you could buy an apartment building without hardly any difficulty. Just pick out one that you liked, had a good return, and passed a building inspection.

If you DON'T have a million dollars, what are you to do? Well get ready for some hard work, searching for the right deal. Get ready to have a whole slew of offers rejected, and maybe even laughed at. Get ready to hear some pompous real estate agent tell you (as one told me) "Son, I've been in the real estate business for thirty years now, and let me tell you, there's no such thing as a no money down deal." Get ready to work on a deal and spend time on it only to have it collapse.

You're going to put in your down payment in the form of "brain sweat equity". You're going to pay by acquiring more knowledge than others in the area of creative real estate, and by searching long and hard to find MOTIVATED sellers, ones who want to get rid of their properties desperately and therefore are willing to help you out. Most of all, you're going to pay by enduring the inevitable "start-up glitches" that ANY business or enterprise has. If it was easy to do, then everybody would be doing it, and there would be no properties left! It is this difficulty that makes it EASY, once you know what you are doing!!

OK, so here we go, but first you need to know ONE thing: IN REAL ESTATE EVERYTHING IS NEGOTIABLE!! Let me say that again, because it is the linchpin of the way creative real estate works--in real estate EVERYTHING is negotiable!

What does that mean? Are there any boundaries? NO!! Can you get someone to carry an agreement for sale for 25 years with little or no money down and no credit check? YES!! Are there ten ads in the paper offering just such an agreement, or one? Probably none! What does that mean? EVERYTHING is negotiable! If you find a motivated seller, one who is paying every month to own 5B4that property, one who doesn't have the skills to fix it up, one who moved out of town, or the country, then he MIGHT go for it! Notice that I did not say WILL go for it, but MIGHT!

Think of yourself when you had a car that you wanted to get rid of, because it was a piece of junk. If someone approached you and asked "how much?", you'd say "$1000, firm". But you knew deep inside that you just wanted to get rid of the headache!! And if you ever had to wait for a month or two with no one buying your car, suddenly you were not quite so firm on the price! And if the alternator had to be replaced before the car could run, pretty soon you just wanted it OUT of your hands!! NOW, you're ready to accept monthly payments, maybe hold something as security, etc. You just want it GONE!

It is the same with real estate properties! They go from being our pride and joy to an albatross around our necks--then we're ready to do WHATEVER it takes to get rid of it!

These people aren't going to jump up and down and say "I'm willing to take a no money down deal for my property"! They are going to be depressed, just like the fellow with a clunker in his back yard, sitting there for months. They are going to need some convincing, but if you find the "DON'T WANTER", the most difficult part is done! Then you make offers, look closely at each property to see if you can make a go of it (that's a whole other report!) if you can get the property--some5B4times you don't want it either! Then it is just a matter of making offers, either in person, or through a realtor, until you find someone who is

ready to deal. The first time is the hardest, because no matter how many times I tell you (or the TV guys) that it CAN be done, you are going to think "not for me, not here in __________, not any more, not with my areas laws and zoning regulations, not with my personality, not with my brains, etc."

Don't you believe it! Look at all the people in the TV commercials-all types and shapes-they have ONE thing in common--they went out and DID IT!


Here's the "stream of consciousness" of ideas on how to buy with $000.00 down, but keep in mind the whole time that IN REAL ESTATE EVERYTHING IS NEGOTIABLE!

1) The simplest way to buy with no money down is to get the seller to carry an agreement for sale. Monthly payments for 25 years are possible if the seller has no need for the money, and can be convinced to get his 6,7,8% return secured by his house instead of buying a 4% bond.

2) If you have good credit and want to put no money into a property, try a first mortgage, Vendor carries a big second for remainder. Seller gets , say 75%, and carries 25%.

3) Again with good credit, try first, smaller 2nd, and a Personal Line of Credit for remainder--especially if the gap is only $10-15,000. This can even work for low p5B4riced properties where the first mortgage is combined with a PLC for the remainder--be smart enough to go to another bank for PLC and tell them that you're going to make an invstment with money--and don't tell ANY bank that you're doing a no money down deal!

4) Payment over time-seller wants $5,000 down, for example. How about $400 per month for a year? You're still paying it, but over time-maybe the property will generate enough extra money to pay this!

5) Back taxes-I've done deals where I've taken over back taxes due--you can pay them off at your own speed, within reason!

6) Free rent-I've done deals where the seller had office space in the building and took 2 years free rent as down payment! Can also work for multi family.

7) Upon closing there are adjustments for that months rent--close on the 2nd or 3rd to maximize this-and for damage deposits, taxes to be paid for the period owned by seller, utility bills to be paid, etc. These can add up to a large amount!

8) Since the bank starts mortgage payments one month from closing, simply by paying an interest adjustment of 2 weeks allows you to use the first months rent and apply the second months rent to the mortgage payment.

9) Borrow on insurance policy, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc. If you allow the bank to secure the collateral they will be very accommodating.

10) Rack up your Visa, Mastercard and American Exp15E8res cards. A bit crazy, but I assume its a great investment!

11) Borrow from friends, relatives, boss (holiday pay?) Maybe even cut them in as partners!

12) Partners are a surefire way to get accepted for big bank loans, create enough down payments, etc. Always look for people who are interested in this area, and ask them what prevents them from buying investment properties. If its time, expertise, etc--then you have a fit! All that's preventing you is money--and you have found this great property haven't you?

13) Syndicate a group of people--say 9 investors and you get the last tenth for putting together the project--they will provide the financial strength for the loan, and maybe even the down payments! Anything is possible, remember? This is a lot of work to find these people, but VERY lucrative! Start with dentists and doctors, lawyers, everyone that you deal with!

14) Rent to buy--maybe you make payments for 3 years and then have built up the downpayment--meanwhile the property can go up in value, rents rise, and so on.

15) Option to buy--Seller keeps title and gets all revenue. You simply pay a sum for the right (make it REALLY legal!) to purchase the property at a certain sum in X years. There could be a trade for this option, example trade an item or service for the option.

16) Lets make trading an item or service for down payment its own idea!

17) Foreclosure property--maybe just before it goes into foreclosure you offer to keep up the payments and give seller SOMETHING, SOMETIME for his equity. (In a short while he's not getting anything!) Lots of work, lots of books and announcement services available.

18) Fix up damaged property--work deal with bank--example: as is it's worth $75,000, with clean up and fix up its worth 100,000--bank offers 75,000 mortgage based on future value--you have to do fix up--similar to sweat equity.

19) Lease property (ie an office building) from owner and sub lease it to tennants--must be very legal and usually needs strong rent up effort!

20) Pay someone to cosign for a loan

21) Get realtor to carry his commission as a note--they HATE this, but if its needed..

22) Balloon payment--nothing down, balance due in three years

23)Private money from mortgage brokers--ask them about it! High rate of interest, but..

24) Refinance property either before you assume it, or after

25) Find a partner where he takes writeoff for negative cash flow and you manage property--this can even work with buying your personal residence--investor is happy with $200 per month negative cash flow in return for your taking care of property, always a tennant (you) and investor splits profit when selling.

That's going to be enough to start some gears running in your head. The most important part is to keep trying, and to be creative. Combining parts of one idea and another, and always probing for what the seller wants will lead you to solutions. Always probe for ways to make both of you happy. Everyone wants all cash, right now--not everyone gets it! Think of the junker car in the back yard and look for ways to HELP the other person--they want to sell!

Most of all, keep looking! It is not a failure on your part if someone is clinging to the hope that they'll get a certain price, or certain terms. If they can-great!! If not, check back in a few months. Many properties are still sitting there and with a MUCH more receptive seller after they have the property "sitting in their backyard, rusting" (or racking up negative cash flow and maintenance and property management headaches). Try and try again!

Check online for new info and more opportunities, network with other investors, ads can be used to signal what you are looking to find, partners wanted, etc. Go to your public library for more real estate and business information. Keep your mind working and searching--keep looking for properties and more information--one idea can be worth a fortune to you --go to seminars when they come to your town--and the total adds up to the "Eureka!" screamed in the middle of the night.

Buying with a low down payment is obviously much easier than buying with absolutely nothing down, so be sure to save up your money to make it easier for you. Even a no money down deal can require cash for legal fees, closing costs, etc.

Best of luck!

Andrew Larder

Creative Real Estate Investing With Low Or No Money Down

To receive free info on no or low money down real estate investing, visit: Free Creative Real Estate Investing Newsletter

Family Room Pop Out Ceiling

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Everything You've Been Taught About Money Management Is Only Half The Truth

This title has powerful words, but think of the personal financial statistics in North America and it doesnt take much imagination to see that what weve been doing just aint workin. This also means that if you have anything to do with the money management industry, you are passing on information that is contributing to the economic numbers that arent working in western culture. But keep reading. This information is for both advisors and clients.

The half truths that have become accepted as the answers to financial stress are actually creating the problems. And, regardless of your current economic situation, millionaire or in debt up to your eyeballs, the number one stress in most peoples lives is financial because of this half information. Some examples of this are as follows:

Goals. The foundation of the financial industry is to help people reach their goals. Well, who decided the goals, and who does the communicating of the goals, in a meeting of a financial professional and their client? The advisor, of course, is the one who asks a series of questions about common goals while they complete a profile that becomes the basis for their recommendations to the client.

Budget. A word that conjures up feelings of restriction and sacrifice, yet the definition of budget is planned expenditures and a program for financing them. What if instead of trying to fit a lifestyle into an income, an income was structured around a lifestyle? Start with the desired expenses and then figure out how to finance them.

Debt. Good debt. Bad debt. Get out of debt. When you judge the debt and focus on eliminating it, you are missing the point. What was the benefit that was received by using the credit in the first place? If the reward was some lifestyle experiences or accumulation of consumer products, does this tell you that the lifestyle you really want to be living is currently higher than your current income provides? Rather than looking at how to get out of debt and feeling bad because you have debt in the first place, make a goal to create the income required to meet the desired lifestyle which will ultimately result in effective and efficient use of credit and spending that is appropriate for your life priorities.

Retirement. What does age have to do with retirement anyway? The concept of retirement that has been accepted in our society is one of something you do after you leave work. Great, but what it takes to be able to leave work is resources to provide income to pay for your desired lifestyle. If you have income sources that cover your expenses and dont require you to go to work to earn it, then you would be financially independent. And, there are many ways to generate income that doesnt require you to work for it or save a big pot of money to draw on later in life. The concept of saving money so you can stop working is a relatively new concept that just isnt working. The word retirement needs to be replaced with financial independence and has to stop being associated with age and accumulating savings.

Saving money. What are you saving money for? The reason is not to have more money, or to have money in case of an emergency, or to accumulate a pot of gold for the future. You dont want to accumulate money at all you want the rewards the money will provide. If thats for some future use, then you need the income the savings will provide you. When you focus on accumulating money, the idea of spending it will lead to fear of loss.

Rate of return. If your focus is on saving money, it makes sense that the most important criteria in making financial decisions would be the rate you are paying on debt or receiving on savings. Conventional wisdom would have you believe that the fee you pay on your financial products would be important. But, when you look beyond the accumulation of money to the intended purpose, the rate becomes secondary in importance. Getting a good rate is only half the truth.

The whole truth is more than common goals, a restricted budget, getting out of debt, planning for retirement, saving money and getting a good return on that money.

2007 Tracy Piercy.

Are you making one of the 7 biggest money mistakes?

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Money expert, Tracy Piercy founder and CEO of the MoneyMinding Makeover system teaches you a proven system to maximize your money. If you want to gain financial independence, get your FREE Money Turnaround Program now at

Expansion Joint Between Sidewalk

Financial Forecast - Floods, Forests, and Fuel

Financial news: Dire times call for drastic measures. Hurricane Katrina; alone, dealt a major blow to our economic infrastructure, causing fuel prices to soar. It's amazing how the oil industry raised prices to offset their additional costs of refining and transporting oil, costs which they attributed to hurricanes on the Gulf Coast. What's so amazing, is that the oil giants just reported a large quarter of earnings. How can that be, when they claimed the loss of the refinery and pipeline in Louisiana burdened them with additional costs? As winter sets in, heating oil shortages can be anticipated, with no immediate, drastic reduction in costs.

Setting that issue aside, and giving due respect and condolences to the victims of the Gulf Coast, the upside is that we project a boom in construction. But there's a problem. Where will the timber come from? Conservationists reject opening more timber land in the U.S., while democratic politicians rebuke importing timber. If we are to rebuild the Gulf Coast, and employ tens of thousands of people alone in that region who are currently out of work due to their businesses being destroyed, there will need to be an immediate resolution to this issue.

No one desires disasters, but at least the recent disasters occurred at a time that may bring economic revival. This Christmas shopping season may lack luster for the retail industry, but every penny gained will indeed help, and to say the tax revenue is needed is an understatement. Governor Haley Barbour of Mississippi estimates a needed 63 billion in federal relief funds to rebuild Katrina's damage to South Mississippi. Don't forget, Louisiana, Alabama and Florida also suffered from Hurricanes and flood waters. It could be argued that shopping; versus charitable contributions, may have a greater positive impact on recovery.

But shopping also presents a problem. Now that the new bankruptcy laws are in affect, there may be trouble following the Christmas season if consumers are unable to repay debts, either because of fuel prices or loss of employment income. The key here is for consumers to shop, but not to forego their personal budgets.

U.S. resources are being stretched near the breaking point. Just as in World War II, consumers need to conserve what resources we have. Construction materials and fuel are the top two resources which require conservation.

Partly due to fuel prices, material and labor costs, U.S. automakers will continue to have difficulty with sales. While this may drive down sticker prices, there will likely be fewer consumers who can afford a new auto, particular SUVs and trucks with lower fuel mileage. Anticipate more autoworker layoffs, as well as soaring prices for steel and a possibility of steelworker layoffs.

Also expect lenders to rally for the Fed to lower interest rates. This can help improve housing starts, which we desperately need to encourage, but may present another problem with outstanding debt and lender risk.

In 2006, watch where; and with whom, you invest your money. If the Federal Government relaxes lending restrictions in an effort to boost the economy, the potential for high risk lenders to go under will increase dramatically.

For a healthy economic recovery, we will need to conserve our natural resources, but not place restrictions which would interfere with construction or our nation's infrastructure. Consumers must carryon business as usual with a safety margin of savings to offset any rising costs. And, most importantly, as JFK said: Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.

Article by Toni Phelps of Credit Federal, which provides consumer credit resources.

Fallbrook Home Builders

Building Inspections - Permits and Problems

Things to Know

1. The General Contractor or the person that the Building Permit was issued to must make all inspection requests.
2. Building Permit Cards must be posted and building plans must be available at the jobsite or the inspection will not be performed and a penalty can be charged.
3. Permit Fees are based on the valuation of project defined as labor, materials, plus profit
4. If the project is large enough a plan review will have to be completed by the building inspector

Who are They

The BDI inspects approves and issues all permits required by code for new construction and for repairs and additions to all public and private buildings. They assure safe building standards for the general safety and welfare of us all. When Do I Need a Building Permit Building permits are required when any structural change or major alteration is made or for new construction. Normal maintenance doesnt need a building permit.

Here are some common examples, although this list is not complete:
1. New structures
2. Enlargement of existing rooms
3. Porches, decks, and retaining walls
4. Anything involving structural beams, joist replacement or bearing support
5. Foundations and footing repair, underpinning or shoring up of a structure
6. The conversion of basement or attic space to living quarters
7. All new fences except the replacement of existing fences
8. An entire new roof, when roof work is not replacement of like material

When Don't I need a Building Permit

Here are some common examples, although this list is not complete:
1. Ordinary repairs to residential buildings and structures, there could be height restriction here.
2. Plaster patching, exterior and interior painting, floor sanding and refinishing, floor tile, carpeting, replacement of flooring
3. Repair or replacement of gutters and downspouts
4. Replacement or repair of exterior doors and non-fire rated interior doors whenever no modification is made to the opening
5. Wall paneling applied directly to wall surfaces; acoustical ceiling tile applied directly to ceiling surfaces;
6. Installation of battery-operated smoke detectors
7. Replacement of existing fencing, same height, material and location in the rear or side yards
8. Non-dish radio or television antennae

The BDI will focus on all common areas unless there is a specific complaint. In that case they can go anywheres in a building. They do not need an owners permission to enter a unit, but they do need the tenants permission to enter an apartment. They will look at all common areas to sleuth out dangerous or hazardous code violations or egress issues. They are essentially interested in safety issues and will look especially for fire extinguishers, doors, lighting, stairs, doors and smoke detectors. If there are any violations of code they will issue a "notice of violation" or NOV.

What They Do: They will inspect a property for three reasons:

1. Law requires general inspections to uncover and correct safety issues and code requirements. These inspections are mandated periodically.
2. Someone has complained
3. To review new construction work for safety and code violations.

The Dreaded "Task Force Inspection"

If a building is a nuisance and gets repeated complaints then the city can call in many or all the agencies and create a task force to inspect the building. The agencies involved can include fire, health, police, and the D.A. The task force is only formed for the worst offenders, generally drug dens or health hazards.

Construction Inspections

The inspector is looking to see that the work is up to code and does not exceed the scope of the permit. Very often, construction will take place and other issues come up. If they exceed the parameters of the work approved they can deny approval of the work. Now you have to come into compliance and that can mean a bureaucratic snafu or worse. A citation or NOV (Notice of Violation) is issued and you will need to apply for another permit to fix the problem to come up to code. When the work is completed according to the demands of the BDI, you will need another inspection to get cleared. If you still have problems with getting the work approved you have a few alternatives

Fighting the BDI

1. Know the code: You will need to prove the condition cited is legal
2. Get all the permit plans the DBI has and try to make a case that the condition is historical
3. If its an older building it may be grandfathered
4. Talk to the senior inspector and make an informed case
5. Talk to a real estate attorney or engineer

The Hearing

This is your last effort to right a wrong. You can have your attorney or property manager or possibly a structural engineer make your case. This is your last ditch effort to allow a condition to remain in place. Obviously, you dont get to this unless there is a lot of money at stake.

Howard Bell
We believe that knowledge should be free and freely shared.

Fallbrook Home Builders

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

How to do Paris in 48 hours

Theres no need to worry that you will miss the best Paris has to offer when this guide shows you how to see it all in only 48 hours.

Paris is a city of many faces, the narrow streets contain hidden jewels of patisseries, bars and Parisian caf culture that have attracted visitors for centuries.


One of the best places to begin your day is at the Arc De Triomphe, the largest roundabout in Frances capital and one of the most hazardous in the world. No insurance company will cover a vehicle travelling around it, as twelve roads feed into the circle with no clear road markings an and even less clear is who has right of way.

Thankfully there is an underpass to get across safely. The view from the arch down the 1.3km stretch of the Champs Elyse ends at the Place de la Concorde and a smaller version of the triumphant arch that stands in the Jardin Tuileries beyond, the Arc De Triomphe du Carousel. The arch itself offers a fine panoramic view of Paris from the top, as well as a good glimpse of that most famous landmark, the Eiffel Tower.


The walk to the tower first brings you to the Palace Challiot, a complex of four museums dedicated to French movies, Naval history, a museum of mankind and one for French Monuments. The pathway between leads down to the gardens of the Trocadero but the most striking feature is of course the tower just beyond.


The Eiffel Tower was built as a showpiece of the 1889 world Expo, advertising the quality of French steel, incorporating 10,100 tonnes of iron. Gustave Eiffel felt his creation was a fine example of French engineering. His view sadly was not shared by everyone. Several attempts were made to take it down but its role as a radio antenna in WWI was what eventually saved it.

Today it is one of the best known Parisian landmarks, attracting thousands of tourists to the top every year. The length of the queues depends on the time of year and time of day. There are two points of entry for the lifts, or there is the alternative of climbing the stairs, all 1,710 of them. A great work out for the hips and thighs.

If the lines are short it may be wise to take the chance now to make your attempt to reach the top. If you are lucky enough to reach the third level you may wish to spend 1-2 hours to experience it. There are museum rooms to view with details on the towers construction and history. Otherwise it pays to arrive early.


Beneath the tower lies the Champ de Mars, a landscaped green area that leads to the Ecole Militaire. Further on to the left of the military school is the Hotel Des Invalides, the site once used as an armoury that supplied the gun wielding revolutionaries in 1789.

Follow the riverside along Quay DOrsay down towards Pont Alexander III. Cross the bridge an walk towards the Petit Palais and the Grand Palais down Avenue Winston Churchill. Both palaces are now art galleries devoted to modern and ancient artworks, permanent displays as well as new artists. Straight ahead you rejoin the Champs Elyse that will take you down to Place de la Concorde.


The Place de la Concorde is the finishing point for the cycle race the Tour de France as well as the historical site of the French Revolution. The square is worth a few moments to remember it was originally called Place du Revolution, and home to Madame Guillotine.

The Obelisk gifted by Mohammed Ali in 1831 came from Luxor and marks the spot where many French nobles met their end during the French Revolution. The square would have been filled with peasants eager to see their former employers going for the chop in 1789 and during the reign of terror that followed.

You can leave the traffic behind for a bit now as you enter the Jardin des Tuileries. The fountains and pathways were once part of Palace Tuileries but it burnt down during some violent revolutionary riots.

In the gardens you will find statues and artworks on display, including one of Joan of Arc, the peasant girl who led an army against the English in the 15th Century, and later burned at the stake as a heretic.

The end of the gardens is marked by Napoleons Arc de Triomphe du Carousel, another little present to himself glorifying his achievements. The horses, or Quadriga, on top are copies of the ones sitting above the door of Basilica San Marco in Venice which he was made to give back.


If you spent 20 seconds in front of each piece of art in the Louvre you would be there for 3 months day in and day out. There are literally millions of artworks by thousands of artists covering centuries. Of course the most famous one would have to be Leonardo Da Vincis Mona Lisa.

It is advisable to devote a day or at least a morning to visit some of the museum rooms. One way is to pick a style or century that interests you and devote to it a couple of hours rather than try to see everything.

There are other entrances other than the obvious one beneath the glass pyramid at the front door. Tickets can be pre booked online up to a year in advance which also helps to keep queuing to a minimum.

Walk through the archway in the centre of the main building and it will take you out onto the riverbank again. Keep following the Quai de Louvre along the Seine until you reach Pont Neuf. Along the way you will pass St Germain-LAxerrois, the royal chapel of the Louvre. Further down is Chatelet, a huge shopping centre facing the Ile de la Cite.


Pont Neuf is the oldest bridge in Paris and joins the two banks of the river to Ile de la Cite, where Paris originated. The island is home to the Conciergerie prison where Marie Antoinette was held before her execution, as well as many other nobles. But perhaps the most famous building here is the gothic cathedral known as Notre Dame.

Often consider by some as the finest example of Gothic architecture the cathedral was made famous by Victor Hugo and his novel the Hunchback of Notre Dame. The flying buttresses used to hold up the immense walls on the outside are a signature feature of gothic architecture.

There is a plaque on the ground in front of the church that marks the spot where begins the measurements for the arrondissements, or Parisian suburbs. These spiral out of the centre like a snails shell.

The isle has flower markets as well as some typical pavement cafes to enjoy a caff au lait and croissant while watching the world go by.


You can spend the time people watching or shopping, either in Chatelet or Les Halles, another huge complex that offers some excellent retail therapy. For things a bit more thrifty there is the Latin Quarter.


The Latin Quarter is also a great place to tackle the Parisian cuisine scene. The name does not refer to the ethnicity of its inhabitants but more to do with the fact it was the seat of learning for medieval Paris. Students spoke to their tutors in Latin right up until the 18th Century. The alleyways are now filled with little restaurants, cafes and bookshops that still cater to the student clientele.

After dinner try a river cruise to see why Paris has earned the name city of lights and you may even catch the Eiffel Tower putting on its sparkly display. There are plenty of companies offering short cruises from Ile de la Cite up the river to the foot of the tower and back.


An early start is essential to avoid the queues, whether you are taking in the Louvre, or a bit of it at least, or reaching the top of the Eiffel tower. Other museums and galleries worth a couple of hours discovering include the Muse DOrsay, Muse Rodin, Muse Picasso and the Georges Pompidou Centre.

Alternatively if you want to experience art, culture and extravagant wealth you can take a train ride out to Versailles, the summer palace built by Louis XIV. The humble beginnings as a hunting lodge were soon transformed into an elaborate complex of gardens, summer houses, follies, fountains and the immense royal residence.


One of the most popular places to visit in Paris is literally the dead end of town, the Cimetiere du Pere Lachaise. The most visited graves include Oscar Wilde, Gertrude Stein, Edith Pilaf and Jim Morrison. If your interest is piqued by the macabre then dont miss the catacombs. 1.6km of tunnels stretch beneath Paris housing the remains of millions of residents from overflowing cemeteries in 1785.

Late afternoon

A great way to finish is to spend the rest of the day at Montmartre, a much more lively location. The steps to Basilica du Sacre Coeur at the top offer a fine view over the city as well as plenty of street performers and a chance to reflect on the day. The area of Montmartre is synonymous with art and the bohemian lifestyle. Although a bit more commercial these days the streets and squares are full of life and artists.


Restaurants and bars attract locals and tourists alike, where you can while away the evening with a buf bourguignon or plat du jour. Just down the hill is Place Pigalle, famous for the Moulin Rouge, the red light district and other stage shows. The boulevard is filled with bars and cafes that open onto the street until very late.

From the left bank to the right Paris is filled with class, style and culture. Even in just 48 hours you can experience all the best that this wonderful city has to offer.

Katy Hyslop has been a tour guide and teacher in Europe for the past 6 years.

She now keeps the crew in line at the Plus Office in Italy. If you wish to know more about opening times and entry fees then click here.

Tile Articles
How To Set Tile

How to Choose the Best Floor Plan?

Floor plan should be designed to meet your needs as well as those of your family. First of all it should have an adequate square footage not too much, so that you dont have too much unused space and increased costs of maintenance, and not too small, so that you have privacy, and room for all family activities as well as entertainment.

Here are things to look for while designing your floor plan:

Garage should be close to the kitchen, preferably next to it, so that you have an easy access to the refrigerator or pantry while carrying your groceries to the house. It makes your job much easier for garbage removal as well.

Two-story house usually costs less to build than one-story.

When you decide to build a bedroom above garage, be ready to live with the noise caused by the opening and closing of garage doors.

You need enough room for storage. Most builders dont pay significant amount of attention to this point, yet most homeowners complain about not having enough storage. You should make sure there is plenty of closets in the bedrooms, large enough pantry closet and closets for towels as well for the coats, by the main entrance door.

Plan your traffic patterns ahead of time. Observe where you spend most of your time and plan accordingly. Try to avoid putting any obstacles or doors in the way of major traffic paths.

Consider proper room layout for noise. You do not want to have a library or bedroom next to a playroom or close to the area where TV or stereo unit is.

Place dining room next to the kitchen so that you can avoid unnecessary steps while serving meals to your guests or your family members.

Include at least half a bath on the first floor when planning a two-story house.

I often see bathrooms next to the kitchen in older homes. This is definitely a bad combination and something you should avoid at all costs.

Walk-in pantry is a good selling point at present time but make sure it makes sense in your situation. Regular closets are often more economical and provide more storage.

Plan carefully on where to put washer and dryer. It is a good idea to have them on the second floor, next to the master bedroom, in order to avoid going up and down the stairs with your laundry. Take the noise into consideration, though. Calculate extra plumbing costs as well. If it all makes sense, go ahead and do it.

Certain areas of the house, like bedrooms and library should be isolated from sound as much as possible. You can accomplish this by arranging your floor plan properly as well as adding an extra insulation in the walls or floors and by installing solid-core doors with higher sound-proofing qualities.

High ceilings are very fashionable at present but you have to decide for yourself if they fit both: your budget and tastes. High ceilings take away living space. The same space might be used for an extra bedroom. You have to decide if you are after esthetics or practicality.

Do you want a basement or can you live without it? Adding a full basement is costly but you should be able to recoup the cost at the time of sale, especially if your house is in the area of homes with basements.

Mark Badowski has been in real estate business for the last 21 years. He is a builder/developer in the Chicagoland area. He had worked in banking, real estate investments and sales. To learn more about the subject covered in this article you can visit his website at:

Bathroom Decoration Tips
Make Your Bath Truly Luxurious

Cat Containment Fences - What Works To Contain Maxie The Cat

Maxie is your classic "Tom Cat"...rangy...he hunts...he gets into a friendly scrape with other cats, eats, sleeps, cuddles and essentially does what he wants to. But, if you want Maxie The Cat to stay home, or to keep other pusses from wandering into Max's territory what should you do? One solution, perfectly matched to Max's nature, is the next breed of cat containment fence ideas.

How Can A Cat Fence Contain Hard-Wired Climbers? Claws, fangs and an over-supply of fast twitch muscles and elongated tendons and ligaments make Maxie The Cat the supreme runner-jumper-climber. Since Max can climb virtually anything, how can cat fencing work to neutralize his overwhelming natural instincts? It turns out that cat kingdom representative, Maxie, conceptualizes climbing in part as a physical long as what I climb on appears sturdy. Enter the mesh nylon fabric see-through fluttering cat fencing solution!

What does Maxie see...and why won't he climb the cat fence? The cat fencing fabric looks unstable, and doesn't offer up a clear jump-and-hold tactile surface. Result? Maxie "quits", and cannot overcome his natural instinct to test the cat fence.

Creating Happier Pusses With Cat Containment Fences. Maxie The Cat wants to be outdoors. It's in his nature. Being safe, outdoors, filled with the rush of stimuli flowing to him and activating his sensory palette makes Maxie happy, reduces the risk of depression and cat-scratching boredom, even may reduce the stress related indoor urinating which can rapidly escalate into a house-wide pungency and cleaning nightmare.

Free to wander at home, yet passively contained by his cat fence, Maxie is no longer at risk from aggressive neighbor dogs, roving predators, unbalanced humans along with the potential health risk of disease-riddled stray homeless cats.

Passive Cat Containment Fence Versus Electronic Cat Fence Designs. Fabric mounted cat fencing may not be 100% full proof, however this sort of cat fence does not impose any "behavioral modification" pain-or-pleasure training onto Maxie as do the wireless cat fence products. Here's the real deal on the category of electric cat fence systems: any electric fence for cats does not "hurt" when Maxie receives the "corrective" shock. However, like dogs trained via shock therapy and radio pet fence system, Maxie will learn to associate his movement as a go-no go fear of identifying "safe" zones where no shock occurs. Could an electric cat fence create a deeper, and irreversible fear and anxiety in Maxie? It's why risk it! Once "trained" via shock and fear therapy, neither Maxie nor his Wizard of Oz counterpart, Toto, can be easily un-programmed.

Fencing For Cat Ideas And Cat Fence Installation Advice For Families With Pusses.

Learn about workable, easy-to-install and affordable cat containment fence solutions by traveling to the following links.

Cat Containment Fence:

Pet Fencing:

Author Robin Derry is publisher for a specialty knowledge site that gives insights and solutions on cat fencing, underground dog fence solutions, wireless and radio dog fence technologies, dog runs and deer fence pet containment fences, outdoor deck planter box designs, deck lighting solutions, outdoor deck railing ideas, advice on building deck stairs, home and gardening projects such as decks and deer fencing, plasma and LCD TV stand design trends, wall mount and TV ceiling mount systems, HDTV and home entertainment systems, specialty academic camps, auto tire and wheels technology trends, medical spas.

House Mold Problems
House Mold Problems

Saturday, May 17, 2008

European Bathroom With Floor Drain For Shower

The concept of the European bathroom with floor drain for shower can be described as follows.


The European concept of a shower is to stick a nozzle into the wall and a drain in the floor.


Well, in the European bathroom with floor drain for shower, curtains are optional. In many cramped private baths, you may have to rescue the toilet paper and find it safe harbor outside the bathroom before turning on the shower and drenching the whole room.

Half Tub

Another fun European bathroom trick is the half tub. In this concept, you sit rather than lie down, with a shower nozzle that has nowhere to hang. This way, your knees get very clean but at the same time, the floor gets very wet.

Hot Water As per the concept of the European bathroom with floor drain for shower, hot water may be available only once a day and not on demand, particularly in shared baths. Another reason is that heating water is costly. Therefore, many smaller hotels only do it once daily, in the morning. You must keep in kind that in such situations, once that is used up, the luxury will not be available again until the next day.


The water jets of the European bathroom with floor drain for shower are intended to clean the bits of you that do not often get tanned, that too, much more thoroughly than toilet paper. What is more, as per the European concept, your host will not appreciate it if you use the bidet as an auxiliary toilet.

William Samson has written many more articles about kitchen and bathroom plumbing.

Expansion Joint Between Sidewalk

Compressed Gas Hits the Metals Markets

In mid-June, Chongqing City held its tenth anniversary as a Special Economic Zone in western China. The city government held a fireworks display on the waterfront, with 120,000 fireworks explode in the sky. Traffic was a gridlocked mess and the business district came to a standstill. Bus engines idled and drivers continued to blow their horns as if doing so would move traffic. Walking along, I noticed the relative lack of air pollution for the large amount of vehicles. The thought dawned on me that if I were in Bangkok the air would be a toxic black cloud. Why are there such pollution differences in gridlocked Asian traffic, and how does all this relate to Peak Oil?

In his book GeoDestinies, Walter Youngquist argues that the fuel of the future will be electricity, rather than a liquid we pump from the ground. Wandering along through grid-locked traffic I saw all around me a vital interim step between fossil fuel liquids and electricity: Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). You may not see the connection, but for me I live in China and study the commodities markets there the light bulb clicked on. Presently several cities in China run their entire public transportation systems on CNG: from taxis and buses to city utility vehicles, its all CNG. Shortly, as the world wakes up to the fact that crude oil supply will soon peak and then decline, there will be a panic for better alternatives for our transportation and delivery networks.

I spotted a taxi with its hood open and gave the driver 10 Yuan (about $1.50) for a tour of the vehicles CNG system. I wanted to see the main components, and what they were made of. Then I conducted a thought experiment, imagining what the implications would be if the world converted all its vehicles to natural gas.

To convert and re-fit every car, bus and truck on our planet, the sheer volume of metal required would drive base metal prices to never-before-seen levels. In 2004, there were 880 million motor vehicles worldwide; this included passenger vehicles, heavy trucks and buses. To convert all of these vehicles, the world would need tanks fabricated from high-strength steel, aluminum or wound fiberglass to contain compressed natural gas, base plates for the tanks, stainless steel hoses, brass couplers, aluminum or steel brackets to hold the tank in place, all of the metal screws, nuts and bolts for the complete assembly of each unit, fuel control valves, oxygen sensors, vacuum hoses, vacuum fittings, fuses, tee fittings, high- and low-pressure regulators and particulate filters, plus solder and welding rods to hold it all together.

As you can see, the list is long and each component uses a different metal or combination of metal alloys, and each component is assembled and manufactured at a different location that is dependent on a functioning delivery system. Supply and demand for metals in the re-fitting of our transportation fleet will affect commodity prices worldwide. Entire industries would need to be created to mass-produce pressure-testing kits and to make sure the units were installed properly.

Re-fitting vehicles is but one facet of a larger undertaking. We would also need to construct CNG refilling stations throughout the world. Many countries including Argentina, Brazil, China and Italy already use CNG and have a spattering of refilling locations, but in reality CNG charging stations would have to be as numerous as present-day liquid petrol pumping stations.

The typical CNG station is expensive, because of the special equipment needed to store and dispense a liquid at a temperature of -200 to -260 degrees Fahrenheit and a pressure of 25 to 135 pounds per square inch. The tanks have to be very large and are usually constructed from magnesium pressure-plated steel, which also needs a base plate and brackets. These gas storage vessels then need to be connected to gas dispensers at the pump.

Beyond the use of large amounts of metals, specialized safety equipment needs to be installed at the pumping station. This includes an air extraction system; a lighting system with anti-explosive elements; a manual ventilation system that can be activated from a remote location; remote switching boards for an automatic ventilation system; a fire control system; wires, hoses and couplers to connect everything; and a thick, walled bunker to house everything in case of explosion.

In 2006 there were 167,476 petrol stations in America alone, but only 30,000 CNG stations worldwide. Research at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory puts the minimum cost of construction for each CNG filling station at $100,000. You do the math. And don't forget to include stations for the other 200 countries on our planet.

Another often-overlooked part of the switchover is space lost where the tank is mounted in the vehicle. In a bus, the last four seats in the rear are displaced; in a car, the high-pressure tank reduces trunk space by 30 per cent. Delivery trucks are another issue altogether: reduced load means more trips and more natural gas to deliver the same amount of goods. To convert a bus to CNG costs $25,000-$35,000. Even in China, where parts and labour are cheaper than in other regions of the world, automobile conversion costs $1,000-$2,000.

This transition to compressed natural gas for transportation is dependent on the continued free market access to minerals and commodities worldwide. Many knowledgeable people see more OPEC reductions of crude oil production as a possibility, but I rarely hear talk of a base metals embargo. If resource nationalism became the norm, and the supply of base and rare metals on the world market began to decline, the switchover to natural gas or electricity could find it hard to proceed.

This idea is not as odd as it may seem; take a look at China. The government began an export quota on two metals indium and molybdenum on June 18. China's molybdenum product exports are set to decrease by 10 per cent or 830,000 tonnes; export permission will only be granted to exporters with a trade export volume during the last three years of more than 3,000 tonnes. China is also the worlds largest producer of indium, accounting for more than 30 per cent of global total, along with 90 per cent of global tungsten production. What happens if Russia, Canada, Brazil or any of the African nations decide to follow in Chinas footsteps and begin export quotas or withhold commodity sales to drive up prices? Oil embargo or commodities embargo: which would be more devastating for the world economy?

More usage of natural gas would mean more volume of a product that needs to be produced, stored and transported. New spider webs of natural gas pipelines and compression stations would be required to keep it all moving. We would need to increase production of both crude oil and natural gas, which are different fuels and need to be stored, produced and transported by different means and use different infrastructure to do so. In addition, we as a world would need to increase natural gas production as we went ahead full throttle finding, developing and producing from the remaining oil fields. This also means more metal usage. More pipes, more metal, so an increase in metal consumption and metal prices will follow.

Not to worry: container ships and trains can continue to chug along burning heavy-sulfur crude oil, which the world will produce more of, especially the new projects coming online from Saudi Arabia and the Caspian Sea Basin. Keep in mind, CNG is only the middle transition stage of fuel sources to keep goods moving around our globalized planet. The final fuel source will be electricity, which requires its own set of infrastructure to generate. Once again, the volume of metals used in those developments will be huge.

This unique set of circumstances presents a Catch 22 for all societies on earth. We need to use fossil fuels to extract and manufacture resources to allow a transition to a liquefied natural gas infrastructure. Then our societies will have to use the remaining natural gas reserves to exploit even more minerals and commodities to transition to electric infrastructure. Regardless of nationality, religious background or social status, we as a people will have to complete this conversion process together. We must begin now to convert our transportation systems from liquids to compressed gas to, ultimately, electricity, and to do so will be resource-intensive.

To say I expect a continuing bull market in metals would be an understatement.

David DuByne is from the United States and is presently living and teaching Business English in Chongqing, China. He and webmaster Marc Hastenteufel are translating an English teaching web site devoted to bio-fuel and oil depletion, for those studying English around the planet into Mandarin Chinese. Robert Rapier, an expert on cellulose ethanol, gas-to-liquids (GTL), and butanol production, also provides technical assistance for content throughout daveseslbiofuel in the renewables and conservation section.

Fallbrook Home Builders

List Building on a Shoestring

If you want to build a large mailing list and you have virtually no marketing budget there are several options available to you. This article explores list building on a shoestring for those who are on a tight budget but still want to grow their list.

1. Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization is the process of fine-tuning your web pages and the links to those pages to improve the web pages' relevance and ranking in the organic, crawler-based listings of a search engine, for particular keyword phrase searches.

SEO requires some self-study to understand the techniques involved. It can be time consuming to grasp the various techniques and the results might take weeks or even months before you see them, but in the long term, investing your efforts in obtaining natural - also known as organic - high-ranking placement in the top search engines will pay huge dividends. Especially if you are have a tight marketing budget.

While it is possible to optimize pages for many search engines most webmasters working on SEO concentrate on Google, MSN and Yahoo.

2. The All Important Sign-up Box
You must capitalize on every opportunity to turn your visitors into mailing list subscribers.

Give your sign up form a place of prominence. It should be on the main page of your web site where everyone sees it. In fact, if you can do it, include a small subscription form or button on every single page of your web site.

3. Article Marketing
Article marketing involves writing articles and making them available for webmasters and editors to publish. The greatest exposure usually comes from listing the articles at article directories such as EzineArticles and GoArticles. Any webmaster or editor will then have your permission to publish those articles without paying any fee to you provided that they also publish your 'Author Resource Box' at the end of the article.

Your author's resource box should be a small paragraph or two about you including a direct link to your mailing lists sign up page.

4. Give Away an E-book or Report
A highly effective technique for driving new sign-ups to your mailing list is to give away an e-book or free report. Write a small e-book on a related topic and promote it with your sign-up form. Use a sentence like "Download Your Free Report on Publishing a Newsletter When You Subscribe Today.

5. Ad Swaps
Another free list building technique is to swap ads with newsletters on related topics. After your own list has grown to a reasonable size, owners of other newsletters will be reasonably enthusiastic to swap ads with you. This is a great way of driving highly-targeted traffic to your subscription form.

6. Viral Marketing
Viral marketing is any advertising method that propagates itself. It is built on the concept of a message spreading by 'word of mouth'. The idea with viral marketing is to encourage visitors or readers to pass along your marketing message to other sites or people, creating a potentially exponential growth in the message's visibility and response.

Two examples of viral marketing online are "Tell a Friend" forms, and Viral Ebooks. To make a viral ebook you use special tools to make your ebook rebrandable. This enables your partners to insert their own business name, web site links, or even their own affiliate ID into your ebook. This gives them an additional incentive to pass on copies of it, ultimately helping you to promote your business and grow your traffic.

These are only a few ideas for list building on a shoestring. There are many more list building techniques for building a huge mailing list and some detailed strategies are discussed at

Daniel Moros web site covers much more than list building on a shoestring. Download a free ebook on '10 Remarkably Effective Traffic Building Techniques' today at

Fallbrook Home Builders

Thursday, May 15, 2008

List Building on a Shoestring

If you want to build a large mailing list and you have virtually no marketing budget there are several options available to you. This article explores list building on a shoestring for those who are on a tight budget but still want to grow their list.

1. Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization is the process of fine-tuning your web pages and the links to those pages to improve the web pages' relevance and ranking in the organic, crawler-based listings of a search engine, for particular keyword phrase searches.

SEO requires some self-study to understand the techniques involved. It can be time consuming to grasp the various techniques and the results might take weeks or even months before you see them, but in the long term, investing your efforts in obtaining natural - also known as organic - high-ranking placement in the top search engines will pay huge dividends. Especially if you are have a tight marketing budget.

While it is possible to optimize pages for many search engines most webmasters working on SEO concentrate on Google, MSN and Yahoo.

2. The All Important Sign-up Box
You must capitalize on every opportunity to turn your visitors into mailing list subscribers.

Give your sign up form a place of prominence. It should be on the main page of your web site where everyone sees it. In fact, if you can do it, include a small subscription form or button on every single page of your web site.

3. Article Marketing
Article marketing involves writing articles and making them available for webmasters and editors to publish. The greatest exposure usually comes from listing the articles at article directories such as EzineArticles and GoArticles. Any webmaster or editor will then have your permission to publish those articles without paying any fee to you provided that they also publish your 'Author Resource Box' at the end of the article.

Your author's resource box should be a small paragraph or two about you including a direct link to your mailing lists sign up page.

4. Give Away an E-book or Report
A highly effective technique for driving new sign-ups to your mailing list is to give away an e-book or free report. Write a small e-book on a related topic and promote it with your sign-up form. Use a sentence like "Download Your Free Report on Publishing a Newsletter When You Subscribe Today.

5. Ad Swaps
Another free list building technique is to swap ads with newsletters on related topics. After your own list has grown to a reasonable size, owners of other newsletters will be reasonably enthusiastic to swap ads with you. This is a great way of driving highly-targeted traffic to your subscription form.

6. Viral Marketing
Viral marketing is any advertising method that propagates itself. It is built on the concept of a message spreading by 'word of mouth'. The idea with viral marketing is to encourage visitors or readers to pass along your marketing message to other sites or people, creating a potentially exponential growth in the message's visibility and response.

Two examples of viral marketing online are "Tell a Friend" forms, and Viral Ebooks. To make a viral ebook you use special tools to make your ebook rebrandable. This enables your partners to insert their own business name, web site links, or even their own affiliate ID into your ebook. This gives them an additional incentive to pass on copies of it, ultimately helping you to promote your business and grow your traffic.

These are only a few ideas for list building on a shoestring. There are many more list building techniques for building a huge mailing list and some detailed strategies are discussed at

Daniel Moros web site covers much more than list building on a shoestring. Download a free ebook on '10 Remarkably Effective Traffic Building Techniques' today at

Fallbrook Home Builders

Distance Restrictions In Rural Applications - DSL vs T1

Here's a question often asked by those in rural areas needing dedicated bandwidth for their network applications.

"If someone wanted to have a T-1 line (or fractional T-1) installed in a very rural location, are they subject to the same distance restrictions as a DSL line is?"

The general answer is no. T1's do not have maximum distance "limitation" as does DSL. Network carriers can use multiple T1 repeaters to regenerate (not just amplify) the T1 signal.

However, 2 distance "sensitive" components can increase T1 cost.

First, the T1 access loop. Most local exchange carriers (LECs) (e.g., AT&T/SBC/BellSouth, Qwest and Verizon) charge the ISP for T1 access based on distance between the ISP's router (Internet POP) and the customer's local serving exchange (LEC Central Office.) That is why most ISP's T1 quote tools require the customers local phone number, or at least the 1st 6-digits (NPA-NXX) which identify the local CO exchange, in order to caculate the distance to the ISP's closest IP POP (Internet router).

Second, extrordinary construction costs. If the customer location is a great distance from the closest T1-equipped LEC central office, then the LEC must install additional T1 repeaters and possibly incur other transmission equipment / construction costs to reach the customer. In this case, the LEC has 2 options to deal with construction cost: either absorb cost themselves, or pass it on to the ISP who then pass it on to the end-user customer. I've been implementing T1s for awhile and have seen this situation a few times. Twice the one-time construction costs were $10-$20K and the customer canceled the order. Once, BellSouth had to trench ~200 feet to lay new cable and they absorbed this cost.

Assuming no extrordinary construction cost, there are ISPs that offer flat rate Internet T1s for $750 per month, anywhere in US, with no distance limitations between ISP POP and customer's serving CO. The flat rate cost includes T1 access loop and 1.5 Mbps Internet port. In the majority of cases these aren't always the most reliable providers when you consider long term stability, QoS, and SLA though.

However, for most locatons that are under 25 miles to the ISP POP, we are seeing Internet T1 prices in the general range of $300-$500 per month +/-.

The upside is that it's full speed in both directions, and not subject to the EULA restrictions that DSL lines are. Typically, ISP's don't want you running services behind a DSL line, no such problem with the T1.

Michael is the owner of FreedomFire Communications....including and Michael also authors Broadband Nation where you're always welcome to drop in and catch up on the latest BroadBand news, tips, insights, and ramblings for the masses.

House Mold Problems

DIY Rally 2008 Submission Form

Think you can top the wildest reader-powered projects of 2007? Get ahead of the pack by showing off your own ultimate home-built invention!

How to get rid of warts and how to prepare a wart treatment that is painless yet highly effective?

One of the most vivid childhood memories I have is of my cousin Jim. I don't remember ever seeing him without a wart, or warts. Hand wart, foot wart - he always had them and felt very bad about them.

We tend to view warts as something bad, something we need to hide. There is no reason for this, as 4 out of 10 people will experience this problem in their lifetime.

What causes warts?

Warts are caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). There are numerous kinds of warts this virus causes, ranging from vaginal warts, plantar (foot wart), hand warts to face warts... This viral infection can spread from one part of the body to other, but usually not by contact with other people.

Human Papilloma Virus easily penetrates the skin through cuts. At risk are people who walk barefoot or somehow get exposed to the virus.

How do they look like?

They look like a cauliflower; it is rough and has a pinkish/red spot that are actually capillaries that nourish that wart. If they are not treated, they spread in clusters.

Warts removal

There are many over the counter wart treatments. One of those is a use of salycilic acid that is applied topically on the affected spot.

Cryotherapy is also used by podiatrist in plantar warts removal. It freezes the spot with sodium nitrite that destroys the virus and allows the wart to fall off.

How to get rid of warts: Home remedies for wart removal

Lets see what kinds of wart remedies are available:

Tea tree oil wart treatment

Tea tree oil has a multitude of good uses, one of them certainly is in treating warts. It is an antiseptic that prevents any possible infections that might arise, and almost immediately soothes the skin and clears out the ongoing infection. For this, you need good quality tea tree oil. Use a cotton pad to dab the spot twice a day. The warts usually disappear in a week time or so.

Duct tape warts removal

The famous duct tape remedy! Cut a piece of duct-tape and place it on the wart. Replace it daily. What it probably does to the wart, is that it creates warm environment that soften the skin, and make it possible to remove the wart. Peel the tape gently and apply until the wart is gone.

Garlic wart treatment

Not only can garlic be used as a hair loss remedy, it is also very good as a wart cure. It is as simple as this: peel and cut a clove in half. Rub the spot several times a day.


Rub the spot with banana peel and then use a duct tape to attach the banana peel to the spot. Leave it on overnight.

Apple vinegar

Dip cotton ball in vinegar and attach it to the spot with tape or Band-Aid. Leave on overnight and you should notice the wart disappear in a week or so. This could be also done with alcohol or limejuice, they work the same way.

For more warts removal recipes and wart remedies, click here.

Biljana Drake is an avid collector of homemade skin care recipes. For more great skin care tips, facial masks recipes, homemade remedies, visit her website

Monday, May 12, 2008

Weight Loss Through Lifestyle Changes

Healthy weight loss is about lifestyle changes, not fad diets or programs. Long term weight control should be realistic goals, healthy eating and regular exercise.

Believe it or not, implementing certain lifestyle changes allows you to lose weight naturally without obsessing about your weight. The steps necessary to successful weight loss are quite simple.

1) Establish a realistic goal. If you are relatively healthy you can probably do this yourself. If however, your have health problems or are obese it's wise to consult your physician.

2) Change your diet. This is not the same as dieting. This is a lifestyle change that you should, with intelligent modifications, continue for the rest of your life.

Such changes as eliminating processed food, artificial sweeteners and soft drinks would be a great start. Eating whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruit are healthful and beneficial in more than one way. The first is you'll lose weight effortlessly. The second and just as important, is improved health.

3) Don't eat before bed. Eating before bed is a terrible habit and make weight loss practically impossible. The gain to not eating before bed is increased energy and clarity of mind.

4) Walk! You can accomplish more through an implemented walking program than just about anything else. It's not limited to age and it's low impact.

5) Change your environment. Get the junk food out of your house. When you want to have a treat, go out and have a good time.

6) Many of these lists that provide tips advocate watch your portions. What nonsense. That's how you become hungry. My thought is eat as much good quality food as you wish but chew extremely well. By chewing well (until your food becomes liquid) you'll become satisfied much sooner and improve your digestion at the same time.

7) Another tip that I see all the time is to drink plenty of water. I don't buy it. Contrary to what many believe we are not plumbing systems that have to be flushed with lots of water. While it's true that too little water is dangerous it's also true that too much water is harmful.

The single most important step is to make up your mind, to focus and take action. While it may seem a little odd, you're goal is not to lose weight. Your goal is to establish your ideal weight and to implement these lifestyle changes. If you do that the weight loss will happen all by itself, when you're not looking and effortlessly.

Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting.

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss.

Fallbrook Home Builders

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Golf Grip - How Hard Should You Hold It?

Keeping a solid and firm golf grip while swinging is critical to your golfing consistency and success. Now there are many different "ideas" on how hard you should grip the golf club, e.g. hold the grip as though you're holding a baby bird OR hold the grip as tight as you would a loaf of bread etc., etc. But the bottom line really is not so much how hard you hold the grip but it's how hard you don't hold it.

What do I mean?

Well in an ideal world you should hold the golf grip just hard enough so it doesn't slip or move around when you swing. Now how hard that is for you or me varies greatly on the strength of our hands.

If you have very strong hands then you may not need to hold the golf grip as hard as, say, I would. So the defining line on how hard to golf grip a club is by how much it moves and here's a great way to determine your golf grip movement.

Line up 6 balls in a row on tees and then start at the first one and hit it and don't alter your golf grip and then hit the next ball and the next one. And if you come to a point when you can't hit the ball because your golf grip is nothing like it should be then you know that your golf grip has slipped when you've swung. If you can't hit the second shot because of your grip movement then you've got a grip slippage problem that needs fixing fast.

The main key to your grip slipping will most probably be due to your top hand moving. So here's a simple exercise you can do to help fix this.

Grip the golf club as normal. But just before you swing place a golf tee between the pad of your left hand and the golf grip. Now this golf tee should be securely in place by the pressure that you're placing on the golf grip with your left hand. Once it is you simply need to swing as normal and keep the tee in place.

Naturally this can only happen if you don't move your top hand grip. And this will happen naturally just by you being aware of the golf tee and trying to keep it in place. Then after some practice with this exercise go back and do the 6 ball exercise and see if you've improved your grip security.

I'm sure you will find you have improved it. So try this and see for yourself.

Nick Bayley is a professional golfer who has discovered just one golf swing fault that could be stopping YOU from ball striking consistency and success. But luckily for you, now you can take a simple 2 minute golf swing test to see if you have this swing fault or not. So don't delay! Go here to take The Golf Swing Test now.

Expansion Joint Between Sidewalk

Financial Forecast - Floods, Forests, and Fuel

Financial news: Dire times call for drastic measures. Hurricane Katrina; alone, dealt a major blow to our economic infrastructure, causing fuel prices to soar. It's amazing how the oil industry raised prices to offset their additional costs of refining and transporting oil, costs which they attributed to hurricanes on the Gulf Coast. What's so amazing, is that the oil giants just reported a large quarter of earnings. How can that be, when they claimed the loss of the refinery and pipeline in Louisiana burdened them with additional costs? As winter sets in, heating oil shortages can be anticipated, with no immediate, drastic reduction in costs.

Setting that issue aside, and giving due respect and condolences to the victims of the Gulf Coast, the upside is that we project a boom in construction. But there's a problem. Where will the timber come from? Conservationists reject opening more timber land in the U.S., while democratic politicians rebuke importing timber. If we are to rebuild the Gulf Coast, and employ tens of thousands of people alone in that region who are currently out of work due to their businesses being destroyed, there will need to be an immediate resolution to this issue.

No one desires disasters, but at least the recent disasters occurred at a time that may bring economic revival. This Christmas shopping season may lack luster for the retail industry, but every penny gained will indeed help, and to say the tax revenue is needed is an understatement. Governor Haley Barbour of Mississippi estimates a needed 63 billion in federal relief funds to rebuild Katrina's damage to South Mississippi. Don't forget, Louisiana, Alabama and Florida also suffered from Hurricanes and flood waters. It could be argued that shopping; versus charitable contributions, may have a greater positive impact on recovery.

But shopping also presents a problem. Now that the new bankruptcy laws are in affect, there may be trouble following the Christmas season if consumers are unable to repay debts, either because of fuel prices or loss of employment income. The key here is for consumers to shop, but not to forego their personal budgets.

U.S. resources are being stretched near the breaking point. Just as in World War II, consumers need to conserve what resources we have. Construction materials and fuel are the top two resources which require conservation.

Partly due to fuel prices, material and labor costs, U.S. automakers will continue to have difficulty with sales. While this may drive down sticker prices, there will likely be fewer consumers who can afford a new auto, particular SUVs and trucks with lower fuel mileage. Anticipate more autoworker layoffs, as well as soaring prices for steel and a possibility of steelworker layoffs.

Also expect lenders to rally for the Fed to lower interest rates. This can help improve housing starts, which we desperately need to encourage, but may present another problem with outstanding debt and lender risk.

In 2006, watch where; and with whom, you invest your money. If the Federal Government relaxes lending restrictions in an effort to boost the economy, the potential for high risk lenders to go under will increase dramatically.

For a healthy economic recovery, we will need to conserve our natural resources, but not place restrictions which would interfere with construction or our nation's infrastructure. Consumers must carryon business as usual with a safety margin of savings to offset any rising costs. And, most importantly, as JFK said: Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.

Article by Toni Phelps of Credit Federal, which provides consumer credit resources.

Fallbrook Home Builders

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Flooring Jargon & Lingo - Explained in Plain English

The following definition items are some of the more frequent terms in laminate & wood flooring

Laminate Flooring
Usually made up from 4 different layers the bottom layer being the stabilizing layer the middle being the HDF core layer then comes a paper photographic image and finished of with a top layer of very hardwearing laminate it comes as planks and panels in wood, stone, tile, and other looks.

Solid Wood Flooring
This is made up from 100% wood thickness can range from 10mm up to 22mm and comes in an array of species with the most popular being Oak Beech Maple Ash Cherry most solid wood floors can be nailed down through the groove at a 35 degree angle or can be fully glued to the floor.

Structured Flooring
This is made up from 3 different layers all of which are laid on top of each other at 90 degree angles this stops the wood from expanding the bottom and middle layer usually consists of spruce wood and on top of this is a layer of real hardwood which can range in thickness from between 1.5mm and 4mm the overall thickness of structured flooring can range from 10mm to 14mm this can be laid in several ways with the most common being glue between the tongue and groove

Engineered Flooring
This is another name for the above structured flooring

Veneer Flooring
This is very similar to laminate flooring it has a stabilizing base layer and a middle layer of HDF but the top layer is a thin layer of real wood usually around 0.7mm thick this cannot be sanded down the overall thickness can range from between 7mm & 10mm

Plank Flooring
This is when the whole of the flooring board is cut from the wood in one piece and can come in structured engineered veneer or sold wood flooring because it is out of one cut this type of flooring is usually a lot more expensive than 2 strip or 3 strip flooring.

Two Strip Flooring
Much the same as above but this time there are 2 different strips of wood on the surface of the flooring.

Three Strip Flooring
Here the width of the board is made up from 3 different pieces of flooring because these are smaller pieces of wood they are also cheaper to buy.

Oiled Flooring
This is when the surface of the hardwood floor is finished of with usually around 3-4 layers of special oil this gives the floor protection while allowing the natural beauty of the floor to come out.

Lacquered Flooring
This is when the surface of the hardwood flooring is finished off with a lacquer to give the floor even better added protection. This usually consists of 3-4 layers of lacquer.

Unfinished Flooring
This is when the flooring comes with no finish at all just the natural wood it is recommended that you apply one of the above finishes this can be done after installation.

Brinell Hardness Test
This is a test of the hardness of the hardwood flooring which involves pressing a 10mm steel ball against the hardwood flooring this method is now used worldwide on wood as well as metal.

V Groove
This is a groove on the edges of the flooring and can be applied to any flooring.

Completely have over 25 years experience in the flooring industry ensuring their technical & service department can answer all your installation questions on free-phone number - 0800 1300 331.

More information can be found at


Creating A Beach House Bathroom Decorating Theme, Part 1

Bring a breath of fresh air to town bathrooms with a breezy beach-house theme, or create a soothing mood inspired by the natural colors and textures of the seashore.

The beach-house bathroom is a foil of gentle contrasts. Clean lines and a restricted color palette create a fresh, uncluttered look. The colors of sun, sea, and sand are naturally an influence. The style is low-key, romantically rustic, and simple. And the way you put the colors together should reflect these qualities.

Take the cool blues - deepest marine to palest aqua - for inspiration, and choose from the yellows - vibrant sunshine yellow and sand-gold to cream - to provide a contrast. Using white as a foil, you can blend colors to express quite different moods. Opt for a bright and summery seaside atmosphere with strong color brights - use deckchair stripes on furnishings and tiles. Alternatively, choose the sun-bleached looks of a beach cabin - soft whites, muted blues, light sandy-grays, and pale yellows - and echo the weathered tones of driftwood and pebbles with limed and color-washed wood and stone effects.

Creating the Look

For a fresh, airy, coastal mood, paint walls and ceiling white, or in a pale to mid-tone matte latex. A change of texture - tongue-and-groove paneling or plain tiles - will add interest below wainscoting level. A darker color will "ground" the scheme and suggest sea and sky. Choose strong contrasts such as marine blue and white, or go for a subtle distressed or color-washed finish. Pale colors and close harmonies will create a gentle, ethereal look.

Beach-house style has a period feel but it is easy to integrate modern features. Select a simple bathroom suite in white or cream, or a clean-lined retro-style design. Panel the bathtub to complement the wainscoting area, or with natural or whitewashed pine. Otherwise install a freestanding, curtained bathtub. Site a shower cubicle behind a divider "wall" - this can be tiled on the inside and paneled on the other - or screen the shower area with a marine pattern shower curtain or a plain or striped glass panel. If stripped, limed, or painted floorboards are not available, choose vinyl flooring in a coastal color, or cover existing flooring with wooden decking. Natural fiber matting and cork tiles also work well. Stone tiles, quarry tiles, and mosaics enhance the rustic look - make them warm with cotton rugs.

Style Pointers


Atmospheric color: soft white, neutrals/aqua/ blue latex/tiles/ tongue-and-groove paneling; stenciled marine motifs; aqua color mosaic details.


Curtains/simple: pale/white semi sheers; tab-headed, cased, basic gathered styles; eyelet/laced calico panels; improvised driftwood/painted wood curtain rod.

Blinds/shutters: natural wood slatted blinds; roll-up cane; painted/distressed wooden shutters.


Naturals/stripes: rough/smooth/loose weave linens; muslin; waffle cottons; toweling; striped cottons; marine prints.


Natural/rustic: stripped/painted/limed boards; wooden decking; stone/quarry tiles; cork.

Rugs: woven grass/rush mats; nubby cotton weave/rag rugs; wooden boardwalks/cork mats.


Period style/white: simple, wood paneled bathtub; old-fashioned freestanding bathtub; matching basin; low-key modern styles; traditional cross head brass or chrome taps; see-through shower panels/marine motif/striped shower curtain.


Weathered wood: country-style cupboards/chest/chair/shelves in limed, distressed, color-rubbed wood, iron frame/wicker.


Simple/period: glass/metal fishermen's brass lantern; turned wood sconce candelabrum/candles.


Marine/weathered: shell or driftwood mirror frame; porthole shaped mirror; rustic shelves; wooden bath rack; rustic style/period glass containers; cane/wicker laundry basket; color coordinated/striped towels; sea sponges; natural objects - pebbles, shells, starfish; model boats; carved wooden seabirds.

2007, Kathy Burns-Millyard. Want to learn about other types of Home Decorating Styles? Visit the Do It Yourself Home Decorating Network ( now to see some excellent articles and photos, plus be sure to get signed up for our free Home Decorating Tips Letter Too!

Carlsbad Home Remodeiling

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Home Siding Material

There are numerous types of siding available for today's homes offering different advantages and/or disadvantages. Certain types of siding are more popular in some areas of the country than others, influenced largely by climate and availability of product. Price also influences the type of siding chosen by a builder or a home owner.

Types of siding available:

1. Aluminum or Vinyl Siding These siding options are available on new homes as well as often put on over older types of siding. The biggest advantage of this type of siding is that they do not require painting. The disadvantage is that aluminum siding dents and vinyl siding cracks. Vinyl siding has improved over time as the quality of vinyl improves.

2. Masonite Siding or Hardi Plank These siding options have a similar appearance but offer very different results. Masonite siding deteriorates over time and requires painting, caulking and routine upkeep. Hardi Plank (a brand name) is a similar looking product but is made of cement and therefore does not rot. It is growing in popularity and is a terrific alternative to Masonite.

3. Brick or Stone Both of these products provide an excellent siding option. They are virtually indestructible as well as attractive. They do not require the routine maintenance that other types of siding require. The biggest drawback is price, although in some areas of the country it is still very affordable.

4. Stucco Traditional stucco is made with cement and offers a solid, lasting, moisture proof siding. It is seen a great deal in Florida where the climate would require constant upkeep on other types of siding and the solid cement siding keeps the houses cooler than traditional siding.

5. Cedar Shakes For those who love the look of cedar shakes, it is an excellent alternative to Masonite siding as it requires less maintenance. When treated with stain it does not rot or peel.

6. Veneer & Synthetic Siding These siding alternatives give you the appearance of other types such as stucco or brick, but do not give you the quality or longevity.

7. Clapboard Siding that is made from solid wood is more costly than other types of siding but lasts longer and looks better than other manufactured sidings such as Masonite. It is also a product that lends itself well to stain and therefore will not peel as siding that is painted.

8. Steel and Vinyl Coatings These are becoming more and more popular. They are more expensive but are nearly indestructible thus requiring little maintenance. Vinyl Coatings are applied like paint but are much thicker. Since it is a relatively new product it is important to find a company that will apply it correctly as applying incorrectly can cause many problems.

Pressure Treated Lumber

If you are building a deck, retaining wall or a swing set for the kids it is highly likely that your material of choice is pressure treated lumber.

Pressure treated lumber, if installed properly, should provide a 40 year useable life. However, there are some things about pressure treated lumber that you have to know, in order to obtain that life and not have your project fall apart in a few years.

To create pressure treated lumber, raw lumber is impregnated with two waterborne compounds that are copper based chemicals. The amount of copper basically determines the usage and all pressure treated lumber, sold in the US, is supposed to have a tag stapled to the end of the board signifying its pounds of preservative per cubic foot of wood product:

0.25 Above Ground

0.40 Ground Contact

0.60 Permanent Wood Foundation

2.50 Salt Water

Because the lumber is impregnated with Copper, the choice of fasteners becomes very important. When two dissimilar metals come in contact with one another a galvanic reaction is created, the outcome is that the materials corrode and disintegrate. The higher the levels of copper in the lumber the faster that the corrosion will occur.

Although most people realize that they must use corrosion resistant fasteners and connectors many do not consider items such as flashings and light poles that are also in contact with the pressure treated lumber. Of course the best metals to use for fasteners, flashings and anything else that comes in contact with the deck is stainless steel or copper whenever possible. Stainless steel is expensive and copper is not conveniently available at your local lumber supply so the next best material is steel that has been galvanized.

Galvanized fasteners come in different grades (the thickness of the coating), better manufactures mark the box with a G rating. The higher the G rating, the more zinc used. You shouldnt use less than a G-90 rating and engineers are now suggesting the use of G-185. If the box is not marked it is probably a G-60 or less and this will not provide enough zinc coating to prevent galvanization from occurring. Cadmium plated nuts, bolts and screws do not provide any protection from corrosion whatsoever.

Some manufactures have created composite coatings for use with pressure treated lumber. Read the label on the box and make sure that what you are buying is suitable for the job.

Do not use aluminum flashing, deck flashing must be stainless steel, galvanized or copper. Aluminum corrodes very quickly when in contact with copper. This also means that metals items that come in contact with the pressure treated lumber must also be protected, items such as outdoor furniture, and barbeques should have rubber or vinyl feet or wheels.

For additional information on pressure treated lumber for your home or other renovation projects, visit Renovation Headquarters.

Leveling Stringers